Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gearing up for the 2012 Tasting

The 2012 Chocolate Tasting is on! This year's theme is small batch chocolate makers, and our plan is to pit the newly expanding local chocolate scene in America against the best of the international chocolates from 2010. It's going to be epic!

We've got a delicious lineup of chocolates, and are adding more as your suggestions come in. Please provide your chocolate suggestions as early as possible! The tasting is only open to bean-to-bar manufacturers, and only to their pure chocolate bars (no flavored chocolates, even hazelnut). Chocolates will be grouped by category: Milk, Dark (no milk, up to 70% cacao), and Super Dark (over 70%). In the interests of not completely overloading everyone, we'll try to keep things down to 50 total chocolate types. Here's the list of 2012 chocolates, so far.

Want to know if your favorite chocolate has already been tried and how it measured up? Here is the big list of every chocolate we've ever tasted and how it performed.